Ice Caffe Latte

An American style coffee milk, Ice Caffe Latte is an espresso-based drink consist of ice cold milk poured with flavored or non-flavored Espresso. Invented by Italian Baristas for American tourists, Caffe latte has been the basis of so many variants of iced caffe drinks. Use capsules from Podlucks® and Podlucks® Lab series with Espresso setting indicator.

Serving per 1 Capsule; Use 210ml Serving Cup

- Pour 80ml cold milk into serving cup*
- Extract 40ml / 33gr of Espresso (Including crema)**
- Add a few ice cubes into serving cup***
- Pour the Espresso into serving cup

Optional: You may add Vanilla Sweet Foam (See Bonus Recipes) as topping before adding flavored sauce.

* You may use milk of your likings (Dairy or non-Dairy).
** For flavoring, you may add 10-20ml of preferred syrup into the extracted Espresso and use min whisk to stir.
** If you prefer naturally sweeter coffee, extract and use 30ml / 23gr Ristretto instead of Espresso.
*** Too many ice cubes may dilute your cafe drinks and subside coffee intensity.


