Hot Flat White

Originated from Australia and New Zealand, Flat White consist of espresso with less amount of steamed milk and milk foam as compared to caffe latte. Taste of espresso is much more intense than caffe latte. Use capsules from Podlucks® and Podlucks® Lab series on Espresso setting indicator.

Serving per 1 Capsule; Use 150ml Serving Cup

- Heat up 60ml of milk, pour into 240ml measuring cup, then gently slight froth the milk*
- For a Flat White, froth until milk froth reaches 70ml
- Extract 40ml / 33gr of Espresso (Including crema)**
- Pour the Espresso into serving cup
- Pour the milk and spoon milk froth into serving cup

* You may use milk of your likings (Dairy or non-Dairy). Do not heat up milk until boiling point.
* Be careful not to spill hot milk during frothing. Keep out of reach of children.
** For flavoring, you may add 5-15ml of preferred syrup into the extracted Espresso and use mini whisk to stir.
** If you prefer naturally sweeter flat white, extract and use 30ml / 23gr Ristretto instead of Espresso.

