
A longer version of espresso that extracts coffee with more water. Taste is much milder than espresso or ristretto shots. Lungo is an alternative option for Long Black and Americano lovers. Use capsules from Podlucks® and Podlucks® Lab series with Lungo setting indicator.

Serving per 1 Capsule; Use 150ml Serving Cup

- Extract 110ml / 93gr of Lungo (Including crema)*

To make Cold Lungo
- Pour in hot extracted Lungo into swing bottle and keep it cool at the room temperature
- Store swing bottle into the refrigerator overnight**
- You may add some ice cubes according to your preference***

Optional: You may add Vanilla Sweet Cream/Foam (See Bonus Recipes) as topping.

* If you prefer more intense Lungo, you may extract at 100ml / 83gr of coffee or even lower volume.
** You may infused Lungo with fruits of your choice.
*** Too many ice cubes may dilute your cafe drinks and soften coffee intensity.

